Employee’s Pregnancy and Childbirth

The Labor Code of Georgia specifies the minimum duration for parental leave as outlined in the table below:

  • Pregnancy: Paid leave for 183 calendar days; unpaid leave for 730 calendar days.
  • Complicated Pregnancy: Paid leave for 200 calendar days; unpaid leave for 730 calendar days.
  • Childbirth: Paid leave for 183 calendar days; unpaid leave for 730 calendar days.
  • Twins Birth: Paid leave for 183 calendar days; unpaid leave for 730 calendar days.
  • Child Care: Paid leave for 183 calendar days; unpaid leave for 730 calendar days.
  • Care of a Child under One Year: Paid leave for 183 calendar days; unpaid leave for 730 calendar days.

Paid leave means a lump sum payment of 1000 GEL provided by the state.

For instance, if Elena took a two-month leave due to pregnancy, covering June and July, totaling 61 calendar days, her absence would span 61 calendar days.

Example #1

Elena’s fixed salary is 400 GEL. If she had not taken leave, she would have earned 800 GEL in June and July. How much will the state reimburse?

The state will fully compensate her because her total salary did not exceed 1000 GEL.


400 * 2 = 800

800 < 1000

Example #2

Elena’s fixed salary is 1000 GEL. If she had not taken leave, she would have earned 2000 GEL in June and July. How much will the state reimburse?

The state will reimburse her only up to 1000 GEL, which is the maximum compensation.


1000 * 2 = 2000

2000 > 1000

Example #3

Elena took leave due to her pregnancy, missing work for 214 calendar days. Let’s assume her monthly salary is 140 GEL. How much will the state reimburse?

Only 183 days are paid, equivalent to 6 months. Therefore, Elena’s total salary should have been 840 GEL.


140 * 6 = 840

840 < 1000

Elena will not be compensated for more than 183 days in any case, even though she missed 214 days, equivalent to 7 months.


140 * 7 = 980

980 < 1000

Even though her salary for 7 months was less than 1000 GEL, the state will compensate her only for 6 months, considering both the amount (1000 GEL) and the number of days (183 calendar days).

It should be noted that while the state pays for this type of leave in all cases, companies are not obliged to do so, although many do as an act of goodwill. Thus, employees in companies that provide compensation for these holidays may receive reimbursement from both the state and the company.

Common practices vary, including full salary payment for a few months, half-salary payment for the entire period, or full-salary payment for the entire duration.